South Africa


Measures of Equality

Inequality (Gini) coefficient: 62.5 (2013)
World Press Freedom Index: 20.39, #28 out of 180 countries (2018)
Human Development Index: 0.699, #113 out of 189 countries (2017)
Global Democracy Ranking: 52.2, #71 out of 112 countries (2015)
Fund for Peace Fragile States Index: 72.9, #85 out of 178 countries (the lower the ranking the better) (2018)


Total GDP: $765.6 billion (2017)
Per capita GDP: $13,500 (2017)

Location Population

Total Population: 55653654

South Africa

South Africa has been home to a variety of languages since the fourth century C.E., when various Bantu groups migrated to the region and encountered the native Khoisan people. Centuries later, the Dutch and the English imperial powers added further con ...