Harvey Starr's research and teaching interests include theories and methods in the study of international relations, war and international conflict, geopolitics and diffusion analyses, and domestic influences on foreign policy (revolution; democracy). His current research interests include the causes and consequences of failed states; geopolitics and the use of Geographic Information Systems; the democratic peace; and the theory and methods of necessary conditions. He joined the faculty at the University of South Carolina in 1989 as the Dag Hammarskjold Professor in International Affairs, serving as chair of his department from 1998 until 2006. While formally retired in June 2014, he remains an Associate of Walker Institute of International and Area Studies, Consulting Faculty in the Jewish Studies Program, and a Rule of Law Collaborative Faculty Member. He is author or co-author of 18 books and monographs, and almost one hundred journal articles and book chapters. His most recent books are World Politics: the Menu for Choice, 10th edition (Cengage 2013) co-authored with Bruce Russett and David Kinsella, On Geopolitics (Paradigm 2013), Zaryab Iqbal and Harvey Starr, State Failure in the Modern World (Stanford University Press 2015), and Harvey Starr and Stanley Dubinsky, editors, The Israeli Conflict System: Analytic Approaches (Routledge 2015).